The latest from RepairDesk

Check this page for updates on new features, integrations and other product enhancements
New Feature Enhancements
9 days ago

August 2024 Product Updates

Here's what May was like at RepairDesk

Key Highlight

Reports Mega Dropdown
The mega dropdown is structured to group all reports under the report sub-menu headings and make it easier to navigate and locate all reports in one place.
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Minor Improvements

  • Check Charge Deposit
    Users now have the ability to keep the 'Charge Deposit' checkbox 'Checked' by default.

    To enable this functionality, simply go to Store Settings, under the Deposit section you can see the new option added (screenshot attached). Mark this option as 'Yes' to have the "Charge Deposit" box checked by default when creating a repair ticket. 

  • Rearrange Repair Service
    On POS, users now have the ability to sort repair services on POS by drag-and-drop, so that you can organize services according to your preferences and improve your workflow efficiency.

  • Estimate Link in Special Order
    We've added two new options on the Special Order listing page.

    1. You can now see the related Estimate reference in the newly added column labeled 'Estimate Reference'. 
    2. We've also added two new filters to help filter out special ordered items that have an associated estimate or purchase order. 

Appointments Pro Updates

  • Remove Scrollbar from Mobile View
    The mobile view of Appointments Pro has been improved by removing the scrollbar, resulting in a cleaner and smoother user experience on mobile phones and smaller screens. This change improves usability by preventing unnecessary scrolling. Users can now navigate the booking system more easily on mobile devices.
  • Scenario Based Notifications:
    Users are now allowed  to compose customized emails and SMS for various scenarios, such as Quote Requests, Quotes with No Price, and Appointments. This feature enables you to tailor your communication based on specific customer interactions.
  • Calendar Revamp:
    The calendar view has been revamped to offer a more user-friendly experience. The interface has been redesigned to improve navigation and enhance visual clarity, making it easier for users to manage their appointments. This update simplifies the process of scheduling, ensuring users can quickly view availability and book appointments.
  • Multiple Slots Configuration:
    A new feature has been added, allowing users to configure multiple slots within the Appointments Pro. This  enables users to offer multiple booking options during the same time frame. 
  • Customer-Facing Widget Improvements:
    Enhancements have been made to the customer-facing widget, improving the overall user experience for clients booking appointments. The interface is now more responsive, allowing customers to book with ease. These improvements ensure that the booking process is faster and more straightforward. 
  • Other Minor Fixes
    We’ve made a lot of improvements in design, workflow to make sure you get the most out of Appointments Pro. 

New Feature Enhancements
about 1 month ago

July 2024 Product Updates

Key Highlight

RD Connect - MMS Feature
Users can now send MMS such Images, videos and gifs right from Connect.

  • Respond to customer queries via SMS or MMS using 3CX mobile app and PC. 
  • Request customers to send pictures of their devices for a quote and respond to them through RepairDesk Connect. 
  • Respond to customer inquiries on your website using the 3CX live chat module. 
  • Using the 3CX team chat module your staff will be able to send one on one chat messages, create chat groups, do voice calls, share files and so much more.

>> OrderSync and Scan Pro Updates
  • Improved AI Mapping: If the SKU is already available in the RepairDesk inventory, the existing mapping will be used. If the SKU is not available, AI mapping will be utilized.
  • Retail Price: The retail price will be fetched from the inventory. If the SKU is not available, the cost price will be used as the retail price. Users can edit the retail price within ScanPro/OrderSync
  • Count: The count of both scanned items and total quantity is now visible at the top to cross-check scanned items with the physical inventory in ScanPro.
  • Priority: Newly scanned items will be shown at the top.

>> Languages Support for RepairDesk Forms and Customer Portal

Now you can offer both RepairDesk forms and Customer Portal in more than one language to your customers so they can fill in forms and use the customer portal in their preferred language.

June 2024 Product Update

Here's what June was like at RepairDesk, 

Key Highlight:

Rush Jobs - Pin Tickets
Many repair shops utilize a rush fee in order to avoid last-minute panicked requests from walk-in customers, or you have a priority client that you know will flip out cause it took too long or the team didn’t finish the day before because of additional problems or part needs ordered overnight.
To prevent this to happen in future we have introduced an option to mark certain repair tickets as ‘high priority’, making them stand out on your Manage Tickets page.
This ensures that your technicians can quickly identify and complete urgent jobs, even across different shifts.
With Rush Jobs you can:
  • Create a Rush Job: While creating a ticket on the POS, you can now mark a Rush Job while on the Details step. Once a repair job is marked as repaired & collected, it automatically unmarks it as a rush job. 
  • Mark/Unmark a Rush Job: You can mark or unmark a Rush Job from the list by clicking the ‘Pin’ icon next to the Ticket ID. 
  • Prioritized Display: Rush Jobs will appear at the top of your tickets list, clearly highlighted to catch attention.
  • Filter for Rush Jobs: You can also use the newly added filter to display only the Rush Jobs on the Ticket Listing. 
To learn more about this feature read the KB Article or watch this Youtube Video
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Other Enhancements:

Users now can manually print their transaction documents like Receipts, Invoices, or Ticket Labels via PrintNode on the POS. Users can do this at the time of Check-In or Check-Out.

To learn more about this update, check out the knowledgbase article

>> Multiple Updates in PhonePro (Powered by 3CX)
  • Ability to add customer info on the fly
  • Ability to view call logs under ticket history
  • Added the ability to edit default canned messages for office direction
  • If a user calls multiple times in a day they'll not receive an automatic message of office direction
>> Option to track individual parts consumed on each ticket from "Parts Consumption Report"
Users reviewing part consumption can now view a detailed breakdown of repair parts usage in a repair ticket, enhancing their ability to analyze part consumption data effectively.

You can learn more about this update here

>> Process 'Refunds' from Manage Invoices
Users managing invoices now have the ability to refund invoices directly from the manage invoices page. This allows user to efficiently process refunds without navigating to the POS interface. 

>> Print 'Serialized Inventory' labels via PrintNode
Users managing serialized inventory now have the option to print 'Serialized Inventory' labels via PrintNode directly from the inventory listing page. 

>> Track 'Lead Notes' from Customer Profile
Users managing Customer data can now view all the 'Leads Notes' associated with a customer under the history section of the Lead Logs tab to track the communication and interactions related to the customer.

>> Multiple enhancements in the 'Estimates' module
  • Unsaved Estimate as a Draft: Now whenever you want to work on an estimate for later or close it accidentally, it will automatically be saved with 'Draft' status. 
  • Estimate Filters: You can now search for estimates using the newly added filters. 
  • Ability to Clone Estimate: You have the ability to clone estimates with all the relevant data automatically copied into the new estimate. 
To learn more about the new updates and estimates module, check out this KB Article

>> Restrict 'View Invoices' from POS
As a store owner, you can now restrict employees' access to view invoices on the POS to maintain privacy and security. A new permission is added in the Employees module under the POS section.  

>> Improvements in Export files
We've made some updates in the overall export functionality. The export files exported using 'Export Logs' or through the 'Export Button of Listings' are now identical, making sure you get the same exported data.

>> Display Repair Description on Receipts

To help customers keep a detailed record of the services performed, we have introduced an option to display the repair service description on both service and thermal receipts.

Added Triggers in Settings:

- Navigate to Settings > Module Configurations > Receipts and find the following new triggers:
- Show repair service description on thermal receipt
- Show repair service description on service receipt
- When both the triggers Show repair service description on service receipt or thermal receipt are enabled:
  - The repair description will appear in the service or thermal receipt.

>> OrderSync & ScanPro - Multiple Improvements
  • - If the SKU is already available in your inventory, the existing mapping will be used. If the SKU is not available, AI mapping will be utilized.
  • The retail price will now be fetched from the inventory. If the SKU is not available, the cost price will be used as the retail price.
  • The count of both scanned items and the total quantity is now visible at the top to cross-check scanned items with the physical inventory in ScanPro.
  • You can now edit the retail price within ScanPro/OrderSync.
  • Newly scanned items will be shown at the top
  • Since the mapping is fetched from the inventory, if the mapping is inaccurate, you can change it. The next time the same SKU is scanned or part of an order in OrderSync, the correct mapping will be added.
  • The inventory will sync with the Repairdesk Inventory module and update the retail price and quantity on hand.

New Feature Enhancements
4 months ago

May 2024 Product Updates

Here's what May was like at RepairDesk

| Key Highlights

>> Suggestive Sales Alert
Boost your sales with Suggestive Sale Alerts! Our system now features a popup displaying high-margin items or easy add-ons, helping your staff pitch these products to customers at the time of sale, thereby increasing attachment rates and driving more revenue.
To learn more about this feature you can see the Video or read the Knowledgebase Article
>> Xero Integrations Update
We've made a big change in the UI of our Xero integration page. We've also made some new updates like the ability to sync refunded invoices with Xero. You also have the ability to sync Purchase Orders and Purchase Bills with Xero ensuring your invoices from suppliers are accurately reflected in Xero along with the stock information.
To learn more about this feature, here's the Knowledgebase Article

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| New Updates

>> Hide 'Add Category' on POS
Keep your POS screen well organized. We have removed the button for adding categories, manufacturers, and devices for staff with restricted permissions. This ensures that unauthorized staff cannot create categories/items etc. keeping your interface clean and efficient.

>> Better Workflow to Attach Ticket Labels
Include ticket labels in emails to customers effortlessly. On the ticket management page, you can now select the option to 'Attach Ticket Labels to Emails'. Choosing this will ensure that relevant ticket information is automatically included in the emails sent to your customers.

>> View Comments/Diagnostic Notes on Ticket Listing
Manage your tickets with ease. You can now view diagnostic notes and private comments directly within the new ticket listing, providing better tracking and management of your tickets.

>> Option to export Serials in Inventory Summary Report
Manage your inventory effortlessly. As you can export the Inventory Summary Report to Excel, which now includes a new "On Hand Serial" column. This allows you to quickly view and manage the available serials for serialized inventory items.

>> Auto-fill Problem with Warranty Claim
Easily manage your warranty repair tickets. When creating a new warranty repair ticket, the problem field will automatically populate with the previous issue from the device's last ticket. This feature allows you to quickly identify the problem for warranty repairs. Additionally, you will have the option to add any new issues if necessary.

>> Separate first and last name of customers in Invoice Export
Effortlessly analyze and manage customer data. When exporting invoices, the customer names will now be separated into two distinct columns: Customer first name and Customer last name. This feature enables easier organization and better data analysis in spreadsheets.

>> Customer Search - Secondary Number
Effortlessly search your customer information using customer's secondary phone number. In the POS, you can now search for customers based on their secondary phone numbers. This feature ensures you can easily find and access customer details, even if the secondary phone number format differs from the primary phone number format.

>> Outstanding Customer Balance Trigger
Stay focused on your transactions without interruptions. In RepairDesk, you can now choose to hide alert popups for customers with outstanding balances on the POS. This option ensures that you do not see the outstanding balance alerts when loading a customer during transactions.

>> Option to capture images with camera in RepairDesk Forms
You can now capture and attach images directly using the attachment option in the Custom Form of RepairDesk Forms!

>> Option to select order prefix for ShipStation Integration
You can now customize the ShipStation order prefix using tags like Store Name, Business Name, Ticket ID, and RD in RepairDesk Forms! 

New Feature Enhancements
5 months ago

April 2024 Product Updates

April sees RepairDesk abuzz with innovation! Explore our latest updates and enhancements, tailored to streamline your workflow and enrich your overall experience.

| Key Highlights

>> New POS UI
Elevate your POS interactions with our enhanced design, making transactions smoother and more visually appealing.

>> Advance Search
The objective of the Advance Search Functionality in POS is to provide users with a powerful and flexible tool to quickly and efficiently search for products based on various criteria, enhancing the overall user experience and improving the speed of the checkout process.

You can learn more about Advance Search from this Knowledge Base Article
Advanced Search

| New Updates

>> Trade in Items - Refurbishment Module Improvement
You can now include trade-in items in Refurbishment Modules. There is now an option to create a refurbishment batch for trade-in items directly from the trade-in item listing and through bulk actions. Additionally, using the existing search bar under the refurbishment module to include trade-in items in the search results, allows you to find items based on trade-IMEI, Serial, or item ID. You can also scan trade-in items under the search bar during batch creation. 

>> Total Accounts Receivable on Dashboard
Manage your accounts receivable with ease. On your store dashboard, you can now click on the 'Total Accounts Receivable'. Clicking this will take you to the invoice listing page with a filter applied for 'Unpaid' invoices.

>> Edit/Delete Option for Notes on Customer Profile
Enhance your customer management. You now have the ability to seamlessly manage notes associated with a customer. After adding the notes, you can use the newly added icons to 'Edit' or 'Delete' those notes. This is available for admin and super admin users

>> Recurring Subscriptions - Cancel Date
Introducing enhanced visibility into Recurring Billing with the addition of new details. You can now view the 'Canceled Date', 'Cancellation Reason', 'Canceled by' information under the subscription details section.

>> Custom Field Search
Unlocking streamlined search capabilities with custom fields. Now easily locate specific information by searching through dropdown custom fields, enabling faster and more efficient data retrieval. This capability is available with all dropdown custom fields for Tickets, Customers & Trade-Ins.

>> Create estimate for products by default
Introducing a new trigger in the Module Configuration > Estimates section. You can enable this trigger "Do you want to set the default estimate type as product ?" to automatically set the default estimate type to 'Product' while creating a new estimate.

>> Auto Create Invoice on POS
Introducing a new trigger in the Store Settings > Module Configuration > POS section. You can enable this trigger "Auto Create Invoice on Ticket Creation" to automatically create an invoice whenever you create a repair ticket on POS.

>> Filter by Waiting Status for Leads
You can now filter your leads section to only view leads that have the status set to 'Waiting'. Open the search filter on the Manage Leads page. In the dropdown for Status you can now see the newly added 'Waiting' status.

>> Display SKU/UPC on the Ticket Page
You can now see the Part SKU/UPC on the Ticket Screen. We've added a new column for the 'Repair Parts' and an extra line in the item column for 'Special Parts'.

>> Estimates Email Improvements
Introducing hyperlinks in the "Inbox" section. Now whenever a customer responds to an estimate, you can easily access the associated information by clicking on the customer name to go to Customer Profile, or by clicking the estimate number to go to "View Estimate". A log entry will also be generated for this response.

>> Activity Logs - General Settings
Improvements in the Activity Logs. You can now view comprehensive activity logs in the "Employee Activity Log Report" to capture any modifications made to the store settings, providing a detailed history of configuration changes.

>> Activity Log Update - Ticket Assignment
Another update in the employee activity log report, you can now track instances whenever a technician is assigned to job tickets for better visibility and accountability.

>> Show All Parts on POS
You can now view all available parts conveniently in the part section while creating a Repair Ticket on POS, ensuring efficient selection and management during ticket creation. To enable this functionality, a new trigger "Show All Parts on POS" is added to the Module Configuration > POS page. Enable this option to see all parts. Parts will be displayed in the following prioritized order: Bundled Parts, Parts relevant to the device with the "Is Part" category enabled, and all other parts. 
6 months ago

March 2024 Product Updates

March brings a wave of innovation to RepairDesk! Check out the latest updates and enhancements designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your overall experience.

| What March was like at RepairDesk

>> AI Mapping - ScanPro & OrderSync

Enhance your supplier orders and inventory management effortlessly with our ScanPro and OrderSync app. Now, with the power of AI, mapping attributes is as simple as a click. Just input the order number or SKU, and RepairDesk will swiftly retrieve the data, automatically aligning variables with the appropriate attributes in seconds.
You can learn more about ScanPro from this knowledgebase article
 You can learn more about OrderSync from this knowledgebase article

>> Bulk Actions
Enhance your inventory management experience with our latest update! We've revamped the Bulk Actions feature on the Inventory Listing Page, making it easier than ever to perform batch actions efficiently and streamline your inventory operations.

>> Ability to Edit/Delete Internal Notes
With our latest update, users now have the flexibility to effortlessly edit or delete any internal note added against a product.

>> Additional Details Column - Manage Tickets
Now, users can conveniently view any custom fields directly on the Manage Tickets page with the new Additional Details column. This enhancement provides quick access to important ticket information without the need for additional clicks or navigation, streamlining the ticket management process.

>> Email Service Receipt - Manage Tickets
Introducing the email service receipt option directly from the Tickets Listing page! Now, users can effortlessly send service receipts for individual tickets with attached files, enhancing efficiency and communication with customers right from the ticket management interface.

>> Blank Due Date & Time
Now, users have the flexibility to set a blank due date and time on tickets, providing greater customization and adaptability to varying workflows and customer needs.

>> Label size option for ShipStation integration
Customers can now use 8.5" x 11" label size for inbound and outbound shipping.

>> RD Connect - Search Bar for Pages
Search for your Facebook pages and Google My Business profiles in the mapping window for seamless integration.

>> RD Connect - Reviews Analytics
View the breakdown of Google reviews received by days. You can now filter the reviews by Year, Month, and Days.

February 2024 Updates

Unlock new possibilities with our February product updates! Explore the latest features and improvements designed to elevate your repair business experience.

| What February was like at RepairDesk
Integrated Supplier: Renewable Mobile Group (RMG)
Exciting Announcement for our RepairPros in Australia and New Zealand! 
We're stoked to share that Renewable Mobile Group (RMG) has officially joined our esteemed list of integrated suppliers!
RMG is on a mission to reduce e-waste and provide premium supplier services with over 5,000 SKU’s of original, aftermarket & OEM harvested parts, lifetime warranty on all iPhone parts with a hassle-free return policy, genuine branded accessories, and fast delivery and late order cutoff.
Sign up now and snag an exclusive offer.
Feedback Module - RepairDesk Connect
We have added another exciting feature for RepairDesk Connect users which allows you to gather valuable insights directly from customers following the repair and collection of their devices. Through automated messages sent via RepairDesk Connect, customers are prompted to share their satisfaction level, allowing you to address any concerns promptly and provide personalized follow-up if needed
You can learn more from this knowledgebase article

>> Capture Device Pre Repair Conditions Instantly
Now, conveniently upload images of pre-repair conditions images directly from the POS, streamlining the check-in process for efficient and visual transparency for your customers

>> Default GRN Quantity
While creating a GRN from your Purchase Order, you can set the default quantity of the GRN to 0 using the trigger available under Store Settings > Module Configuration > GRN. This will allow you to manually count the items first and update the quantity in the GRN based on that count.

>> Payment Flexibility in RD Forms
You can now charge deposits or upfront payments from customers through the RepairDesk form using RepairDesk Payments or Stripe. Simplify transactions and provide a tailored payment experience with your inquiries coming from the form.

>> Increase RD Forms Placeholder Limit
We've extended the character limit for placeholders in RD Forms, allowing you to provide more detailed instructions and create richer, more informative forms for your business needs.

>> Enhance your inventory labels with personalized details
Enhance your inventory labels with personalized details! Introducing the Item Description Macro for both Serialized and Non-Serialized inventory, making your inventory labels more insightful.

>> Shipping Label Size - ShipStation
Now, you can select the label size of your choice from "ShipStation" to ensure accurate and efficient handling of your shipment labels

>> Stay Informed: Outstanding Customer Balance Pop-Up
Get a quick snapshot of unpaid balances while loading a customer on POS, ensuring you stay on top of your customer accounts with ease.

>> Estimate Reviews free from the Customer Portal
Our estimate review page is now independent of the customer portal, offering enhanced control and efficiency in taking approval from your customers

>> POS Empowerment: Edit Manufacturers, Devices, and Services Permissions
Take charge at the POS! Customize user permissions to restrict edit Manufacturers, Devices, and Services.

>> Simplified Ticket Creation: Hide Parts for a Focused Workflow
Enhance efficiency! Hide parts during repair ticket creation, allowing you to concentrate on crucial details and expedite the ticket creation process.

>> Financial Privacy Boost: Hide VAT Margin Amount with Custom Permissions
Safeguard your profit details! Utilize the new permission setting to hide the VAT margin amount, ensuring enhanced financial privacy and preventing customers from calculating your profit.

>> Tailor Your Trade-Ins: Edit or Disable Custom Fields
Merchants gain flexibility in the Trade-In module, now able to seamlessly edit or disable custom fields to better align with their unique business requirements.

>> Macro - Repair Custom Field - Ticket Label
Now, you can use Macro for Repair Custom Fields on your ticket labels. Customize and streamline your repair workflow, ensuring essential details are prominently displayed for quick reference.
New Feature Enhancements
8 months ago

January 2024 Updates

As we bid farewell to the joyful holiday season and welcome the dawn of a new year, anticipation fills the air for the remarkable journey that lies ahead. Before we embark on new ambitions and adventures, let's take a moment to reflect on
What January was like at RepairDesk:
Assets Management
Empower your device management with the new "Assets Management" module under the Customer Tab! Seamlessly track and organize information about supported devices, including work history and hardware configurations. Efficiently open associated tickets and provide comprehensive support with just one click. Elevate your customer experience with enhanced device management capabilities.
>> RD Payments - Customer Card on File
Experience hassle-free transactions with RD Payments' new 'Card on File' feature! Securely store customer card details for quicker and more convenient checkouts. Enjoy a smoother payment process with every transaction.

>> Send payment link via Invoice for Multiple Payment Methods
Enhance payment flexibility with our latest update! Now you can send a tailored payment link via Email Invoice, allowing users to choose from multiple integrated payment methods for a seamless and personalized transaction experience.

>> Modify/Customize Recurring Invoices Templates
Empower your brand voice! Introducing the Recurring Invoices Templates customization feature. Merchants can now tailor emails for events like card payment failures or successes, offering a personalized touch to communications.

>> Commission for Special Ordered Items
Every sale counts! Now, ensure fairness in commissions with our update. Special ordered parts/items are now included, ensuring your team gets credit for every sale.

>> RMA Status for Refund/Credited
Stay informed effortlessly! Our latest update brings clarity to RMA statuses. Now, on the listing page, track the accurate status when an RMA has been refunded or a credit note is issued.

>> Part Name & Part Description Macro - Ticket Label
Personalize your ticket labels effortlessly! Explore the latest Ticket Label template macros – 'Part Name' and 'Part Description.' Now, add more details and make your labels truly your own.

>> Tracking Serialized Inventory from Inventory Listing
Simplify your inventory management! Introducing a game-changer – the 'Show Serials' button on the Inventory Listing page. Now, effortlessly track serialized inventory by revealing serial details with just one click.

>> Trade In - Custom Fields
Tailor your trade-in experience! Exciting news – our Trade-In feature now supports custom fields. Add personalized details in the additional tab, view them on the listing page, and empower your team with settings triggers for field management. It will allow you to add additional details of the trade-in device at the time of purchase

>> Custom Attributes Macro - Serialized Inventory Label
Unlock unparalleled customization! Introducing the 'Custom Attributes' macro for Serialized Inventory Labels. Elevate your labeling experience by adding personalized details to serialized items effortlessly.

>> RepairDesk Connect - Link customers with conversation
You can now link existing customers to conversations automatically
8 months ago

December 2023 Updates

As a blissful holiday season comes to an end, excitement is building up for all the amazing things that will unfold in the new year. With new ambitions and new adventures on the horizon, let's do a recap of
What December was like at RepairDesk:
>> Ability to add duration of promotion
We've implemented the functionality to set promotional prices with specified date ranges. This will enable them to easily apply promotional prices to products for a specific period, and have the system automatically revert to retail prices once the promotional period ends.

>> Restrict users to clone invoices
We have added the permission under the roles and permission section of invoices. Users can restrict their employees by disabling the permission.
>> "Amount Receivables" column on manage customers
We have added the amount receivable column on the customer listing. Users can now view the amount receivables on the listing, as well as in Excel file (by exporting the customer).

>> RMA 'draft' status
 We have introduced a draft functionality for RMAs, allowing users to save the unsaved RMA as a draft. This enables users to make alterations to the RMA at their convenience, in later stages.

>> Option to make diagnostic notes mandatory
We have added a new trigger that requires diagnostic notes to be mandatory. Users have the option to enforce the inclusion of diagnostic notes by enabling this trigger while check-in from POS (booking a repair job)

>> Option to add new device issue on the customer portal
We've introduced a new functionality that empowers customers to add a new device issue directly from the portal. If a customer doesn't find the desired device issue listed, they can now seamlessly add it. The newly added device issue will be visible under the "Additional Notes" section. Users can easily add the newly added problem into the system by checking the additional notes.

>> Organize categories, brands and models on widgets according to the POS view
We've introduced sorting functionality for widgets, allowing users to organize their repair categories, brands, and models. The sorted order from the POS will now be reflected on the widgets.

>> Delete recurring billing subscription
The feature empowers users to seamlessly manage their subscriptions by providing a straightforward method to delete recurring billing plans, ensuring flexibility and control over payment commitments.

>> Cash in/Cash out permissions
We've introduced a new permission feature within the Cash Register's Roles and Permissions section. Users now have the ability to control and limit their employees' access by enabling or disabling this specific permission.

>> Display paid, balance, and change due on "Customer Facing Display"
We've introduced an enhancement to the CFD screen, providing users with comprehensive information, including the paid amount, balance, and change due. This improvement ensures a more transparent and informative transaction summary on the CFD.

>> Multiple custom forms in a single RD Form
Users can create multiple professional-looking custom forms while setting up "RepairDesk Form" and use it on their website or in their repair shop to capture leads or to create repair tickets.

>> Customer Portal: Auto-create login credentials
We've implemented the functionality where the system automatically generates and sends credentials to the customer's email for the RepairDesk Customer Portal when a new customer is created. we added the configuration for this feature in the customer portal settings

>> Select multiple manufacturers and devices to filter the inventory items
To address this, we've implemented a multi-select functionality. Users can now choose multiple manufacturers within the manufacturer dropdown, and based on the selected manufacturer, they can also multi-select devices from the devices dropdown.

>> Warranty information on ticket view page for service and part
Now, you can easily view pending warranty information directly on the ticket related to both service and parts.

>> Parts Info on Ticket Label
we've introduced a new macro in the ticket label template, enabling users to include and print the SKU information of associated parts on the ticket label.  

>> Declined Estimate Email Notification
To improve this, we've introduced the "Declined Estimate Email Notification" feature. Now, users can effortlessly communicate the decline of an estimate to customers by utilizing the newly added event in the estimate section of email notifications.

>> Warranty Field & Image Upload while adding Product on POS
We have added two new fields.
Warranty Field: Users can now include warranty information when adding a new product. This field allows for the specification of warranty details, providing comprehensive product information.
Image Upload: The system now supports image uploads for products. Users can attach images to products, offering a visual representation for better identification and detailed product documentation."
New Feature Enhancements Integration
9 months ago

November 2023 Updates

After an exhilarating month, we'd like to extend our deepest gratitude to our growing RepairDesk community. Thank you for always brightening our day and making RepairDesk what it is. With love and appreciation in our hearts, and Jingle Bells in the air.
What November was like at RepairDesk: 
>> Preferred Default Payment Method
Users can now enjoy a more streamlined checkout experience with the flexibility to set a preferred default payment method. Say goodbye to manual selection hassles, as this enhancement allows for a seamless and efficient transaction process

>>  Daily Inventory Snapshots:
Accessing your inventory value at the end of each day has never been easier! The new feature lets you view daily inventory snapshots, empowering you to track and manage your inventory value effortlessly. Snapshots will be emailed

>> Payment Method Column In Tax Report
We have added a payment method column in the tax report. This column provides a clear and concise view of the specific payment methods used for each invoice within the report. The addition of a dedicated column for payment methods ensures quick and accurate analysis of your financial data related to transactions

>> Ability To Set Default Ticket Status For Customer Portal
Enjoy more control over default ticket status settings for tickets generated through the customer portal. Now, you can set different default ticket status for customer portal tickets from the customer portal configurations

>> Canned Responses Under Leads
Responding to leads is now a breeze with our canned responses. Save time and consistently provide quick, accurate responses to enhance your customer interactions

>> First Name & Last Name Macros For Campaigns
Customize your messages with ease! We've introduced specific macros for customer first names and last names in the campaigner module, allowing for a more personalized touch in your communications

>> Due Date/Expiry Macro For Estimates
Dynamic inclusion of the due date macro in the estimate template is now possible. Now you can print the estimate due date on the estimate document or receipt

>> Simplified Price Updates for Serialized Items
Managing prices for serialized items is now more efficient. Now you can change the prices of all "On hand" serials by updating the price from the "Retail Price" of the item

>> Internal Notes For Inventory Items
Keep track of crucial details effortlessly! Now, you can add and flag internal notes for each inventory items, ensuring you have all the crucial things you need at your fingertips

>> Option To Decline Estimates
Say goodbye to estimates that just don't spark joy! Customers and Merchants! Your customers can hit 'DECLINE' on estimates, or you can Decline on their behalf

>> PhonePro -  Auto SMS (Canned Responses) For Calls
Using PhonePro, users can now send auto SMS at the end of every call or utilize canned responses for missed calls, enhancing communication efficiency. You can set it under PhonePro configurations

>> Save Time At Checkout With RD Pay
We've removed the unnecessary step of mandatory line item display during the payment process in RD Payment. Enjoy a more streamlined and direct payment experience

>> Efficient Restocking For Damaged Items
You can restock multiple items at a single click from the "Damaged parts report". You can select the items and click on "Actions" to restock items in bulk

>> Item ID & SKU In Item Wise Sales Report
You can now view item ID and SKU in the item-wise sales report, providing you with more detailed insights into your sales data

>> Virtual Cash Register For Online Payments
In the configuration settings of the cash register, turn on "Would you like to use online cash register to log online payments?"! If you are using RepairDesk Payments, Stripe, Paypal, or Square for your Online payments; Such transactions will be separately recorded in the Online Cash Register

>> Multiple Attachments Option In RepairDesk Forms
Enjoy greater flexibility with the ability to upload more than two attachments in custom form steps in RD forms. Your customer can attach multiple attachments that can help you to get more detailed information

>> Xero Integration Updates
1: We added a trigger in the configuration of Xero "Do you want to sync updates for partial and paid invoices with Xero". Enabling this trigger results in the synchronization of edited changes in the invoices to Xero
2: We have introduced the option to reset the Xero customer ID for the customers in the manage customer section. Users can now sync the customer by resetting their Xero IDs and re-sync them again while syncing the invoice
3: The system now ensures that if a deposit is linked to an invoice, it deducts the deposit amount before syncing the invoice to Xero. Consequently, the accurate and adjusted amount is now synchronized in Xero
RepairDesk Connect Updates
>> Review Request Template
The review campaign under campaigner has now a new "review template" available only for connect users. Save time and use pre-set user-friendly template to improve the experience

>> Quickly Respond to Reviews Using AI 
Timely communication is very important. Now you can generate an SEO-friendly response in just a single click using AI making it more convenient for you to respond to customer reviews.

>> Reviews Analytics Dashboard
Easily track how many reviews you’ve received per month and measure the overall reputation of your store. Gain insights into customer feedback and take control of your online presence.
New Feature Enhancements
10 months ago

October 2023 Updates

Fall is a season of touchdowns, slam dunks, and hat tricks. Fall is the season of Thanksgiving. Fall is the season of fun and some pumpkin spice. Get ready for fall and follow along to see

What October was like at RepairDesk:

We finally launched RepairDesk Connect. A unified inbox to easily manage all your emails, texts, and social media messages in one place. Engage with your audience, convert more customers, and provide multi-channel support from within RepairDesk. You can also get more reviews from happy customers and respond to reviews from Google My Business and Facebook

RepairDesk Classic Updates
Get many more remote repair/mail-in job requests with a form that lets your customers handpick the repair services they need, attach device photos, warranty card images, add notes, and more. Level up with Repair Desk Forms

>> Dynamic breadcrumbs on POS
Effortlessly track the repair ticket creation process with our new Breadcrumb Trail feature, providing a visual representation of your selections as you go
The "Created By" filter is available in both the old view (under the "Select Criteria" dropdown) and the new view (within the "Advanced Filters" section) of the manage tickets
Easily collect crucial location details from their customers using the State and Country fields in the appointment widget

>> Streamlined process for inventory serial scanning under inventory count
We have improved inventory counts and a serial scanning process with automatic serial addition, improved display, and the ability to spot lost serials during the review process.

>> Automated attachments handling
We introduced the automated attachment handling feature. Now, when a customer replies to a ticket and attaches a document, the attachment will automatically be saved and displayed in the "Uploaded Documents" section of the relevant ticket

>> Secondary contact macro
Better your communication by including secondary contact (customer) information in your email/SMS templates with the macro

>> Separate permissions to change price & tax
Empower your team with precision as we added separate permissions under "Employee roles & permissions" for price and tax changes, fine-tune access, and allow users to control invoices, tickets, and POS independently.

>> New macros under email/SMS notifications
We have improved email and SMS notification customization with new macros like tax, manufacturer, and price without tax

11 months ago

September 2023 Updates

We're creeping it real this edition so don't get spooked and stay in the loop. Join our party of Frights and Delights as we bring to you What September was like at RepairDesk:

>> Search option in the miscellaneous tab on the POS
Find items easily by using the new search bar in the POS miscellaneous tab

>> Option to hide discount from invoice 
You can now customize invoices by hiding the discount column and inline discounts. You can enable the trigger from Store Settings > Module Configurations > Invoices > Hide discount

>> View invoices from all the stores
Admin/Super admin users can view invoices from all stores on the default store. You can also give access to other users to do the same from roles & permissions.

>> Customer's first name macro in emails & notifications
Use the First name macro in emails and notifications and insert it into any template to display the customer's first name

>> Hide out-of-stock items from inventory listing and inventory count
You can now hide out-of-stock items in your filters from inventory listing. You can also hide out-of-stock items when you list items from search under the count to optimize inventory counts and effortlessly manage inventory

>> You can now view the refund reason on the item-wise sales report

>> You can instantly see the total tax amount on the invoice listing page.

>>  You can easily see your stock value for a specific date using the date filter in the inventory summary report. This is applicable to apply from 1st September 2023
New Feature Enhancements Integration
about 1 year ago

August 2023 Updates

Summer is almost over. It's Back to School, Back to Work, and Back to Business.

Let that not dampen your spirit, because August is also the month to pursue happiness. To observe, one must simply choose to think and do things that make them happy!

At RepairDesk, happiness is serving you. Share the small pleasures of life and enjoy a snippet of
What August was like at RepairDesk:
Introducing the All-New RepairDesk Mail-in Repair Suite

Start your Mail-in Repair Business or Take your Mail-in Repair Service to the next level through a fully automated and customizable ticketing to shipping solution.
 $$ Generate More Business Online $$
Now, that's a reason to be Happy plus you get to:
  • Eliminate Repetitive, Manual Tasks and Reduce Mistakes.
  • Build your own workflow for inquiries with RepairDesk Forms
  • Generate Inbound and Outbound shipping labels with ShipStation Integration
  • Standardize the data capture process to track triage, services, returns, parts, and labor consumed
What are other updates in RepairDesk?
Manual Cash Drawer is now Compatible with PrintNode
With PrintNode support enabled, you can now use the shortcut keys to have full manual control over your cash drawer.
You can now hide the "Create Ticket" option for customers using the customer portal and take full control over who can generate repair tickets.
In-App Notifications enabled for Updates on the Customer Portal
Get an instant in-app notification whenever customers comment on tickets using the customer portal.

Attach Multiple Files in Tickets Together
Bulk upload functionality streamlines attaching documents to tickets, saving you time.

CC Option in Email to Add Additional Recipients
You can now use the CC option in ticket emails to include additional recipients, improving communication and transparency.

View Email Attachments in Ticket History
Easily access and review email attachments, enhancing your ability to respond to customer inquiries.

Lead Notes can be transferred to Estimates, Tickets & Invoices
Carry Forward Notes feature automates note transfer, improving data management and efficiency.

Easily Add Reference Lead ID to Estimate
The Lead ID macro simplifies adding lead IDs to estimate templates.

Quickly Incorporate Attached Categories to Label Templates
The Category macro now displays associated categories in inventory labels.
New Feature Enhancements Integration
about 1 year ago

July 2023 Updates

Let's keep the summer spirit alive. Picnics, garden parties, community cookouts, and fireworks have all been fun. The end of the summer season has also begun.

As we embrace the joys of summer, we send you warm and happy days ahead along with a snippet of
What July was like at RepairDesk Product Updates:

1: Integration Announcement - ~Reusely
Take your buyback game to the next level! With Reusely's integration, you can automate your buyback by managing trade-ins, enhancing customer experience, and driving profits, all in one powerful package.  Get 25% off on Reusely if you're a RepairDesk Customer.

Signup For a Free Reusely Trial

2: Full Manual Control over Cash Drawer!
Struggling to open your cash drawer? No more! Now you have secure and direct access to your cash drawer from your RepairDesk POS. It's as easy as a few keyboard shortcuts:

Windows Users: Ctrl+Shift+E
MacBook Users: Cmd+Shift+E
See How it Works Here

3. Tabs Have Names

Webpage tabs have been renamed to reflect Ticket ID, customer name, status, and store name. Easily avoid confusion while switching tabs and save valuable time.

4. Try Cost Price Adjustment This Way
You can now update the cost price of parts and products via import without affecting quantities. Enjoy more flexibility in managing your inventory.

5. Improved Email & SMS Visibility
In your email and SMS inboxes and outboxes, now you can see customer names with email addresses. Stay organized effortlessly.
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